Proud sponsor of Future Food-Tech 2020
1 July 2020
Pilot Lite is a proud sponsor of Future Food-Tech, the world's leading event series focusing on the disruptive technologies transforming our food system. Due to the global Covid pandemic, the next Future Food-Tech event in September 2020, will be virtual. We look forward to news on upcoming FFT events and plan to be a key sponsor in 2021.
eventsenvironment packaging food america futurefoodtech commercialisation innovation sponsorship environment sustainability food events packaging america plv plv futurefoodtech
Case Studies
Case Study: Pilot Lite Group
Eliminating On-Premise Single-Use Glass Bottles
A global alcohol beverage company engaged Pilot Lite to manage the implementation of ecoSPIRITS™, a low-carbon, low-waste distribution technology for the on-premise consumption of its premium spirits.
validationlaunchscaleenvironment food-bev market-expansion innovation environment sustainability scale launch validation
Case Study: Pilot Lite Group
Expert Oral Therapy at Home
Pilot Lite has harnessed a pioneering, disruptive and patented hydrodynamic technology from one of the leading global Corporates in Oral Care to develop an advanced water flosser that is twice as effective at removing plaque.
business-readinesslaunch cpg commercialisation innovation launch business-readiness plc plc
Case Study: Pilot Lite Ventures
The world's first eco-friendly, handheld fabric care device
w'air is a revolutionary and versatile fabric care system that spot cleans, deep cleans & refreshes anything from sneakers and sofas to clothing and carpets using just a fraction of the water, energy and detergent of conventional methods.
launchenvironment wair europe africa asia america innovation environment sustainability launch america asia africa europe wair plc plv plv plc