

Post-Pandemic Snack Trends

Post-Pandemic Snack Trends

13 January 2021

Following the launch of Mindful Snacker earlier this month, this article featured in Food Business News takes a closer look at the opportunities and innovations designed to make snacking both healthier & tastier.

food-bev innovation

Introducing The Mindful Snacker

Introducing The Mindful Snacker

5 January 2021

The time has come to make snacking a simple pleasure again. Pilot Lite is proud to announce the creation of Mindful Snacker Limited, offering a line of better-for-you snacks across a range of categories from 2021. 

launch food-bev futurefoodtech innovation launch plc plc futurefoodtech

Brand Expert Remi Rasenberg joins PLV

Brand Expert Remi Rasenberg joins PLV

3 July 2020

Remi Rasenberg, a brand consultant and former advertising / marketing exec at agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi and BBH, has joined Pilot Lite Ventures as Creative and Marketing Director. During his career, he has helped launch multi-channel campaigns for some of the world’s most recognizable brands including Unilever, Diageo, Audi and Patek Philippe. 

business-readinesslaunchenvironment wair simpleroot pulp-technology packaging europe commercialisation innovation environment sustainability launch business-readiness pulp-technology packaging simpleroot europe wair plv plv

Case Studies

Case Study: Pilot Lite Group

Eliminating On-Premise Single-Use Glass Bottles

A global alcohol beverage company engaged Pilot Lite to manage the implementation of ecoSPIRITS™, a low-carbon, low-waste distribution technology for the on-premise consumption of its premium spirits.

validationlaunchscaleenvironment food-bev market-expansion innovation environment sustainability scale launch validation

Eliminating On-Premise Single-Use Glass Bottles
Case Study: Pilot Lite Group

Expert Oral Therapy at Home

Pilot Lite has harnessed a pioneering, disruptive and patented hydrodynamic technology from one of the leading global Corporates in Oral Care to develop an advanced water flosser that is twice as effective at removing plaque.

business-readinesslaunch cpg commercialisation innovation launch business-readiness plc plc

Expert Oral Therapy at Home
Case Study: Pilot Lite Ventures

The world's first eco-friendly, handheld fabric care device

w'air is a revolutionary and versatile fabric care system that spot cleans, deep cleans & refreshes anything from sneakers and sofas to clothing and carpets using just a fraction of the water, energy and detergent of conventional methods.

launchenvironment wair europe africa asia america innovation environment sustainability launch america asia africa europe wair plc plv plv plc

The world's first eco-friendly, handheld fabric care device